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Our Monitor-IT package will benefit any size of business including internal ICT teams. It will help everyone to ensure their IT estate runs efficiently and safely, while freeing up resource to focus on more strategic goals.
We do this by monitoring your software and hardware, and by automating critical software and security updates. We also provide an early warning of possible ICT problems, so you can deal with impending issues and keep everything running smoothly.
For larger organisations or those aiming for compliance accreditations, our Monitor-IT remote monitoring and management service goes some way towards meeting Event Management requirements, and it conforms with best practice.

Real-time monitoring management

Our systems have a tiny software footprint, and unobtrusively provide leading-edge 24x7x365 monitoring services in real-time, flagging potential problems.

Early warning

Being able to identify potential faults and problems before they happen gives you a better chance to manage and eliminate the problem in a timely way, without it becoming a disaster.

Advanced warning

Sometimes there is no warning when things go wrong, and the first you get to hear about it is when you arrive in the office. Any advanced warning you get will give you more time to work on a resolution.

Prevention rather than cure

As well as notification of pending issues, we provide threat management and make sure all your computers are updated with the latest security patches and anti-virus and anti-spam updates. This will prevent a lot of issues, and offer you peace of mind.

A step towards compliance

A structured methodology around Event Management will get you closer to best practise and compliance.

Filtering out the noise

As part of our 24×7 monitoring service, we can work with you to identify your critical systems. We will configure our monitoring service to highlight these so we can notify on key events only. One of the major problems with monitoring alerts and events is the sheer volume of data it generates.

Setup and configuration

We will install any software components needed and perform the initial configuration. We can then provide summary reports and dashboard access on your ICT inventory, performance or any of the items mentioned in the section above “What we cover”.

You wish to order! or have more questions?

Please call us on +44 (0) 20 3358 0070